United Nations wants to eradicate or wipe out extreme poverty by 2030. Is it really possible to achieve it in just 15 years? According to un.org as of 2015 there are over 836 million people experiencing extreme poverty, majority
of it comes from sub-Saharan Africa and in Southern Asia.The International Poverty Line (IPL) of $1.25 was based on 15 poorest countries’ poverty lines. The IPL assumed what $1.25 could buy in 2005, but people living in United States know that it is kind of impossible to live in that kind of amount. In 2005, U.S. government have calculated how much a person needs to survive in a day, and it shows that a person needs at least $4.50 a day to survive. In the Philippines a $1.25, more or less P60.00 is not enough for a person to survive for a day. United Nations should be more honest when it comes to poverty metrics.
There are a lot of efforts coming from the United Nations to wipe out or reduce poverty, but is it enough? To end poverty by the year 2030 it requires the effort of the government like economic growth and make education more accessible for poor people, with them being educated they can find ways to make a living out of their own capabilities. We need a long time solution that could last forever, we don’t need a solution to achieve a certain goal for a certain year. Unity is needed to completely end poverty, we should not just rely by the efforts of the United Nations.