Grant's enforcement in the senate of the Civil Rights Act of 1871, their was a total off 3 Enforcement Acts one off them was Ku Klux Klan Act which passed in February 25, 1869, by a vote of 144 to 44. All of these acts and amendments focused on the rebuilding era of America after the civil war. The Ku Klux Klan was founded by Confederate veterans. They were focused on reversing the federal government’s progression “Reconstruction Era,” which meant they were targeting blacks and tried to disallow African-Americans' the right to vote. The KKK used tactics to intimidate, destruct property, assault, and murder. The Act led to thousands of arrests of KKK members. These were serious consequences that were put into place if these laws were broken. These acts that were passed by Grant’s office which tried to give African Americans better living conditions, allow them to hold office, to serve on juries, and receive equal protection under the law. These laws also allowed the federal government to intervene when states did not uphold these rights. While the KKK has never fully disappeared, it was hugely reduced during Grant’s time in office which shows his contribution to the civil rights for black men and …show more content…
For this to happen there were 2 amendments to the constitution; both of these amendments were passed. These amendments where called the 14th and 15th. The 14th passed on July 9, 1868 and in his first year of presidency the 15th passed on February 3, 1870. In the 14th amendment it gave all citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws including free slaves and black men and women. It also stated that full citizenship would be given to anyone who was born in the United States or free slaves bought into the US. The 15th amendment on the other hand granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, colour, or previous condition of servitude." This amendment included the government banning the use of bribery, force or terror to prevent people from voting because of their race or colour. If any person or Government officials failed to recognize this as the law, there would have been a minimum fine of five hundred dollars, and at the discretion of the court and could be sentenced to jail for a period of one month and up to one year. As you can see his contribution by Grant of supporting the growth of Black men, women and slave’s rights was something that set the