Thames Valley University
London School of Hospitality and Tourism
Service Industries Dissertation
Promoting Sustainability
The role of Green-Festivals affecting pro-environmental attitudes: the case of Glastonbury Festival
Juliana Silveira
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of BA (Hons) Events Management
Module Leader: Graham Berridge
1. Introduction to the Study
The following study seeks to investigate and examine the potential impact that green-festivals can have on promoting pro-environmental attitudes (PEA). It is aimed to broaden the current thinking on pro-environmental attitude change by additionally considering theoretical literature surrounding organisational and systematic attitude change.
For the last half-century exponential expansion of the human enterprise has driven a fast relationship that humans share with the environment (Constanza et al., 2007).
The term ‘green-festival’ is used for festivals that are thematically founded on the principles of sustainability. These festivals seek to have a minimal impact on the environment while attempting to promote pro-environmental lifestyles and sustainable solutions such as renewable energy, green-building, low-carbon entertainment, ethical fashion, organic foods etc.
Glastonbury Festival is one of the biggest in the United Kingdom with 177,500 attendees. Running the event at Worthy Farm has a direct impact (both positive and negative) on the environment. This research will be focused on their litter management, sewage management, management of the general ecology of the site and environmental messaging to festival goers respecting Defra’s 5 year Strategy Delivering the Essentials of Life (Defra, 2004).
2. Aims & Objectives
The aim of this research is to establish how green festivals (case study of Glastonbury) can encourage pro-environmental attitude change among different audience
Bibliography: Costanza R., Schimel D., Redman C., Dearing J., Graumlich L., Leemans L., Crumley C., Hibbard K. and Steffen W., (2007), "Evolution of the human-environment relationship." In: Encyclopedia of Earth. [online], Accessed on October 25, 2010, Available at Jowit J., (2010), ‘UK Music Festivals Join the 10:10 Campaign to Cut Emissions’ The Julie’s Bicycle, (2008a), ‘Sunrise Celebration at The Big Chill’, [online], Available at:,Sunrise+Celebration+at+The+Big+Chill.html Julie’s Bicycle, (2009), ‘Jam Packed: Part 1, Audience Travel Emissions from Festivals’, Bottrill C., Papageorgiou S. & Jones M., Oxford Environmental Change Institute, [online], Available at: