William Bradford gave four solid reasons why he wanted to move from Holland and set sail for the new world. He did not merely base his decision on a feeling or emotion but rather chose to make decisions backed by solid reasons; he thought they needed to leave Holland in order to seek religious freedom.
The first reason why Bradford wanted to leave Holland was because of hardships. When they first arrived in Holland, the difficulties did not seem as bad as they were in England. As time progressed, the situation grew so much that they wished they were back …show more content…
Bradford had a dream and a vision of one day being free from all religious bondage. He had the passion that it took to get started. Also, he had the courage to step out and make his vision a reality. In chapter IV in the book “Of Plymouth Plantation,” it was said, “It was answered, that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and must be both enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.” Because of the passion and courage Bradford portrayed, he made a decision backed by solid reasons to move and further the calling put in his life. Because of this decision, we are still able to read and learn from the lessons and decisions made by William