
The Role Of Piety In Euthyphro, By Plato

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The Role Of Piety In Euthyphro, By Plato
There are many different claims that can be presented by people of today’s world. Meaning, they state that they know a particular F, but by utilizing the Elenchatic method, one has the ability, not to show if the interlocutor’s idea is false or correct, but to highlight the inconsistencies within their belief of F. In Plato’s book Euthyphro, Plato argues that one can not have a specific knowledge claim by using the elenchatic method in order to show how one’s belief in F can lead to inconsistencies within their argument. One implication of his claim is the idea of piety is what is loved by the gods, but since the gods argue on what they love, the idea of piety can stem that while it might be loved by one god, it might be hated by another. …show more content…
Puzzled by what the oracle said, Socrates went out to see if he truly was the wisest man in Athens or prove the oracle wrong. Some may argue that because he knows the theory of forms, he in fact does know about something, which would contradict what the oracle says, but I believe by looking a little closer to the meaning of the oracle’s message, one can show that Socrates is still, in fact, the wisest man. When observing the idea that Socrates is the wisest man, one may first look at the message in which the oracle states that he is the wisest man in Athens because of his lack of knowledge. Everyone has knowledge about something, whether it be true of false, but I believe what the oracle is saying is that, even though Socrates has knowledge, the idea that he does not go boasting about his knowledge proves more fruitful than when individuals make knowledge claims in which they are false. Similarly, when observing Socrates after his encounter with the oracle, Socrates ventured out in order to gain knowledge as well as prove to the oracle that he could not be the wisest man in Athens. By him venturing out to question others about their knowledge shows that he is willing to learn about things that he has no true specialty on, similarly, having a empty cup and filling it with water is easier than trying to fill a full cup. This metaphor can be shown as Socrates had an open mind and was willing to learn from people as he looked for individuals that claimed they had knowledge. Finally, when examining his use of the elenchus and his theory of forms, he does not blatantly tell the individual that they are incorrect, but instead show them the faults within their argument, which eventually leads to their conception of a topic to be false. Even though can utilize the theory of forms, he

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