Experiment # 1 Participants in this experiment were instructed to listen to a series of word lists, reporting only the last word beginning with a specific (critical) letter after each list was completed. The participants were given the critical letter prior to the presentation of the list, therefore able to ignore all other words not containing the critical letter. Once another word with the critical letter was presented the participant could drop the first word and rehearse the next. Continuing until the list ended. Once the list ended the participant wrote down the last critical word. Three rates of presentation were used; the time a critical word was held in STS varied both as a function of presentation rate, and the number of noncritical words monitored between presentation and replacement (Craik and Watkins). Following the presentation of all the lists, participants were unexpectedly asked to recall as many words as possible from all the lists presented previously. For each rate of presentation, the delayed recall of both the
Experiment # 1 Participants in this experiment were instructed to listen to a series of word lists, reporting only the last word beginning with a specific (critical) letter after each list was completed. The participants were given the critical letter prior to the presentation of the list, therefore able to ignore all other words not containing the critical letter. Once another word with the critical letter was presented the participant could drop the first word and rehearse the next. Continuing until the list ended. Once the list ended the participant wrote down the last critical word. Three rates of presentation were used; the time a critical word was held in STS varied both as a function of presentation rate, and the number of noncritical words monitored between presentation and replacement (Craik and Watkins). Following the presentation of all the lists, participants were unexpectedly asked to recall as many words as possible from all the lists presented previously. For each rate of presentation, the delayed recall of both the