
The Role Of Slave Rebellion And Resistance In America

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The Role Of Slave Rebellion And Resistance In America
Slave rebellion and resistance was very common in America from the earliest days of uncharacteristic institutions. The act of enslavement endeavored to break the spirit and ignore the humanity of slaves.
Resistance and rebellion to enslavement in America were due to the harshest and inhuman conditions that they were subjected to for example working for long hours, working under harsh environments, being beaten up for failing to complete their tasks, denying them freedom to practice their cultural rites like burials and religious ceremonies or denying them a chance to socialize and come in contact with their family member.
An analysis of this rebellion and resistance in America revealed that majority of the slaves were from Africa and other
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In most of the slave societies in the Americas, majority of the slaves of African origin maintained their culture or melding African and American culture to form new ones. According to Robertson, ‘The importance of culture-names, craftsmanship, languages, beliefs, philosophies, form of music and dance was that it gave them the psychological support during enslavement.’(300). Women played a very major role in cultural resistance especially in transmitting of culture from one generation to the next. Women were also well-known for their non-cooperation after the banning of flogging of women which was strongly rejected by slave owners claiming that without such punishment, they would be tough to …show more content…
Conceived in 1800, Turner was a slave minister and something of a spiritualist. In the 1820s, he started to see visions the sky: black and white angels battling, the sky running red with blood. He got to be persuaded that he had been picked by God to lead his people to freedom. According to Horne, ‘In August 1831 Turner and five of his followers met and without a plan launched their rebellion.’ (238).They moved from plantation to plantation killing every white they met. This led to execution of innocent blacks. Turner himself escaped but was later found and executed. The aftermath of this rebellion led to a debate by Virginia’s legislature to abolish slavery as it was a threat to public order. Unfortunately, slave codes were stiffened thus limiting the black’s freedom of movement and barred black preachers from preaching without the presence of a

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