The Northern and Western states and territories tried to preserve the Union, while the South fought to establish itself as a new confederation of states under its own constitution. This occurred contextually as the colonists of the southern region of the United States relied mostly on the purchase of slaves to tend to their large plantations, which was essential for the production of cash crops. Slavery was an important component to the Southern economy since slaves could be rented, traded, or sold to pay debts. In addition, ownership of multiple slaves represented high social position or power. They functioned as the property of individuals and businesses, constituting the largest portion of the region’s personal and corporate wealth. The prices of slaves soared the the South, meanwhile, the states of the North gradually abolished slavery. From then on, problems began to …show more content…
The Constitution left many questions about slavery unanswered, in particular, the question of slavery’s status in any new territory acquired by the U.S. The failure to deal forthrightly and comprehensively with slavery in the Constitution guaranteed future conflict over the issue and was ultimately one of the primary catalysts for war. There was also a contradiction between the existence of slavery in the country and the Declaration of Independence’s claim that “all men are created equal” and everyone has the right to live their life with liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which was signed in 1776. However, at the time this was written, more than half a million African Americans were slaves, occupying about ⅕ of the population in the American