Total Quality Management (TQM) is focus on the quality of the products or services. TQM expands beyond statistical process control to embrace a wider scope of management activities of how we manage people and organizations by focusing on the entire process, not just simple measurements. TQM philosophy is a “continuous improvement” approach to doing business through a new management model.
Quality assurance/quality controls are those activities you undertake to demonstrate the accuracy and precision of your monitoring. Quality Assurance (QA) generally refers to a broad plan for maintaining quality in all aspects of a program. The QA plan describes how you will execute your monitoring effort, this include proper documentation of all your procedures, training, data management and analysis, and specific quality control measures. Quality Control (QC) consists of the steps you will take to determine the validity of specific sampling and analytical procedures. Furthermore, quality assessment is your assessment of the overall precision and accuracy of your data, after you have run the analyses.
Quality plays a very important role in e-commerce; the customer satisfaction will be measure most of the times based of the quality of the goods received. It is very important to define “quality”. "Good quality", for an informed consumer could be a disappointment for another customer that chose to purchase the same item by a misleading customer review. It’s vital that the sites provide detailed description of their products, to allow the customer to make an informed decision and compare same quality from other sources.
Discuss the concepts of centralized vs. decentralized purchasing