Quality management standards in our organization 2.1
Total Quality Management, or TQM, is the process of instilling quality throughout an organization and its business processes.
Many organizations that employ a system of Total Quality Management in human resources, etc, are large companies but there is no reason why Total Quality Management theory shouldn’t work in smaller businesses as well.
For Total Quality Management to work, everyone in the organization has to get involved. The theory is to work towards using the best possible processes to offer the best possible products to produce the best possible customer satisfaction.
Of course, perfection is an impossible …show more content…
goal, but working on a basis of continuous improvement can mean that the impact of Total Quality Management is immense. However, ‘continuous’ must mean just that – TQM requires commitment over many years and should not be treated as just a fad.
Source- Thinking Managers by Edward de Bono and Robert Heller
Bombardier Inc is an organisation which plans to meet and satisfy the requirements of customers by striving to be the world’s leading manufacturer of planes and trains
This can be seen clearly in the organisation’s mission statement.
“Our mission is to be the world’s leading manufacturer of planes and trains. We are committed to providing superior value and service to our customers and sustained profitability to our shareholders by investing in our people and products. We lead through innovation and outstanding product safety, efficiency and performance. Our standards are high. We define excellence—and we deliver.”
Bombardier Inc has four main core values:
• Integrity
• Commitment to excellence
• Customer orientation
• Shareholder focus
Bombardier’s four Core Values of Integrity, Commitment to Excellence, Customer Orientation and Shareholder Focus reflect the fundamental qualities that have made Bombardier what it is today.
Bombardier also has four Leadership Attributes:
• They put people first
• They work together
• They have a passion for winning
• They have a drive for results
These Core Values and Leadership attributes are the basics required for Bombardier to achieve corporate goals and satisfy customer requirements.
Customers want and need:
• Solutions to problems
• Quality
• Value
• Customer Support
• Benefits
• Information
• Schedule Adherence
Source: - Bombardier “B” Net
For Bombardier to achieve these goals they need to meet and exceed customer needs better than the competition. This can be achieved by utilising three key strategies for customer satisfaction:
• Customer Orientation
Corporate activities are focused upon providing customer satisfaction.
• Integrated Effort
All staff accepts the responsibility for creating customer satisfaction.
• Goal Achievement
Corporate goals can be achieved through customer satisfaction.
Bombardier should analyse customer needs and focus on the customer. They should have shared values and beliefs that the customer comes first. They should organise their structure and systems based on their market-led strategy and should encourage team work. Their market-led strategies should link distinctive competencies to market opportunities and make their competitive advantage the driving force. They should implement people, incentives, communication and persuasion.
Quality Management concentrates on building in quality, planning to get it right first time all the time. Accepting that inspections are used to ensure that everything is O.K. rather than sorting the good from the bad.
According to the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) "Total Quality Management is a management approach for an organisation, centred on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction, and benefits to all members of the organisation and to society." Source: - ISO 8402:1994
Bombardier Aerospace’s Achieving Excellence is an engaging initiative that will provide every business unit and function with a continuous improvement roadmap to deliver business results, and will be used as a vehicle to engage and empower each and every employee in the cultural transformation, towards fulfilling Bombardier Aerospace’s vision to become and remain a World Class organization.
Aligned with our three business priorities, Achieving Excellence’s methodology will guide every employee and their work area team through specific accomplishments defined under targeted best practices attributes.
Figure 1
Source: - Bombardier Achieving Excellence Program
• Involve employees in identifying their tasks and appropriate KPI’s
• Ensure balance of KPI’s
• Measure and challenge for improvement
• Determine the deliverables for Quality against each Roadmap attribute, for Bronze and Silver
• Action first line management to initiate, deliver and sustain the change
• Use appropriate continuous improvement tools (Lean / Six Sigma) to enable achievement of KPI targets
Achieve business results, by
Engaging all employees in performance improvement, through
Application of a continuous improvement roadmap addressing business attributes to direct us to World Class performance
Rigorous structured and sustaining …show more content…
Continual Improvement is the key to a cost-effective organization
Continual improvement must be a permanent objective of the organisation as seen in figure 2
Figure 2
LOC 2.3 Quality audits in our organization
Quality Audits provide opportunities for improving our operations, reducing costs and enable the effectiveness of our quality system to be assessed. In accordance with quality assurance requirements a comprehensive system of planned and documented internal quality audits are conducted. Quality Audits are positive, well planed and prepared for.
They are used to carry out, in a professional manner in accordance with procedures.
Quality Managers shall ensure that adequate resources are available to satisfy the auditing requirements of their area.
1. Ensure that audit programs reflect the quality system elements, departments, sites products, procedure process, and service provide by the division, and also satisfy the requirements of our customers.
2. Monitor the implementation of corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
3. Ensure that personal conducting audits are appropriately trained.
4. Insure that the audit programs are available, approved, review, and implemented.
Auditors are responsible to their quality manager for complying with this procedure. They shall report their findings and maintain their independence from the company.
1. Assess the requirements of each audit assignment and seek advice from suitably qualified personnel as required.
2. Remain with in audit scope
3. Use audit mind maps or check sheets were they are available
4. Record all findings and observations
5. Record procedures, specifications, work instructions etc audited
6. Inform the company of the results and conclusion of the audit findings and report the results with in 1 week.
7. Provide corrective action reports
8. Ensure that corrective actions reports state the appropriate requirement, and contain objective evidence agreed by the company
9. Monitor the completion of corrective action.
Audit Execution:
In executing the audit the auditors shall follow the simple sequence below:
1. An open meeting.
2. The examination and evaluation.
3. The audit report.
4. A closing Meeting.
5. Maintain records of internal quality audits for specified period
LOC 2.4 Non – conformance
When “non- conformance” has been raised, when there is clear evidence of a requirement not being complied with. The reviewer records the “non Conformance on a Corrective Action Report.
The information is recorded within the company review database.
An explanation on the sheet will be as follows:
• Plant / Division
• Department / Unit
• Area / Function
• Review
• Escalation required
• Quality Section
• Procedure
• Subject
• Estimated Completion Date.
The audit should take the following into consideration when writing a correct action report.
1. The scale of the problem.
2. The significance of the problem.
3. Any trends that may be occurring.
Should the auditor and auditee be unable to reach agreement on non-compliance or corrective the auditor will record the disagreement and refer the matter to the Quality Manager to be resolved.
Corrective action reports should be raised to identify what corrective actions are requires. The auditor for monitoring the corrective action retains the copy and a copy issued to the manager responsible for the activity audited.
Detailing the area review during the course of the audit and identifying all areas should complete this audit.
There are four main areas to the audit:
Immediate Correction – The immediate action that the person responsible for correction has taken to fix the symptom
Root Cause – The analysis of the discrepancy to determine the root cause of the problem.
Root Cause Correction – The root cause correction deals with the long-term prevention and process improvement rather than an immediate
Root Cause Verification Plan – Information is entered here which will indicate to the quality department that the person / department responsible for correction has verified that the correction has been accomplished.