Is our sense of belonging in people or places? What is better, staying in one place or moving around? Are you really un-rooted when you move around? Do you care for others more when you are rooted in a place? I believe that you need to be rooted in people and not just places. If you have roots in family, friends, and communities, than when you leave and travel places you will always have a home. You cannot be rooted in places because relationship is what ties us to a certain place.
There are 2 seeds within each person, each competing to get rooted. One is the seed of adventure, the other is for security. The first seed in you makes you want to get out and experience the world. It gives you energy and makes you restless if you do not go out and adventure. The second seed is for security. This seed makes you want to settle down in one place and have a secured feeling of home.
Statistics show that moving is the third most stressful event in life, following death and divorce. 46 percent of all moves are job-related, 32 percent are due to retirement and 22 percent are because of other personal reasons. The average number of moves in a life time is 11.7. Moving creates in people a fake feeling of adventure stimulation. Although moving can be an adventure you really are just hoping houses and not really adventuring.
I believe that in every person there is a need for belonging. This need for belonging could be damaged and you could have trouble finding a place to root yourself. Others are so rooted that they have trouble leaving their place even for a short time. I believe that you need to push forward and realize that there is a world out there to experience and see.
When you move around and don’t have a real place to say your roots rest are you disconnected? On one side you are even more connected because you are traveling the world and seeing first hand many of the events and places all around. You might have many connections in