Over the last century, Adderall and Ritalin have transitioned from respectable medications into designer drugs. Chemist L. Edeleano developed amphetamines in the late 1800’s primarily for respiratory ailments, but in time physicians noticed additional behavioral effects. Now, people that are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD, ADD) and narcolepsy use amphetamines to alert and focused (CESAR). According to the Princeton University online dictionary, amphetamines are “a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression.” These prescription medications are some of the most popular and widely abused drugs among teens today, and are depended on for better performance in school, on sports field and are even used to aid weight loss.
Because amphetamines and similar drugs reduce hunger, increase concentration, raise self esteem, and boost performance they appeal to insecure young people. These miracle drugs are most often abused by college and high school students because the medicine provides a sense of security that most users long for. Girls in particular use amphetamines such as Adderall, Ritalin, or Vyvanse for weight loss purposes. If a person takes too many lisdexamfetamines (a chemical like amphetamines in Ritalin or Vyvanse) or amphetamines, his body can build a tolerance which can cause increased dependency. The dangerous use of these drugs without the supervision of a medical doctor can be fatal. Like any other drug, amphetamines can become an addiction that can only be overcome with the assistance of a trained physician.
Scientists designed amphetamines to be helpful for those with learning disabilities or mental disorders; however, the abuse of these chemicals causes psychological dependence, physical deterioration, and spiritual destruction. According to expert medical
Cited: Blundell, John E., Micah B. Leshem. "Central Action of Anorexic Agents: Effects of Amphetamine and Fenfluramine in Rats with Lateral Hypothalamic Lesions." ScienceDirect - Home. Elsevier B.V., Sept. 1974. Web. 04 Nov. 2010. Cesar FAX. “Friends and Family Are Most Common Source of Prescription Amphetamines and Narcotics Used Nonmedically by 12th Graders." CESAR (Center for Substance Abuse Research). University of Maryland, 2 Feb. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Ellen, Bailey, and Carson-Dewitt Rosalyn. "Behavior Drugs & Children: An Overview." Point of View Reference Center. EBSCO, 2009. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2010. Lahey, Margaret, and Shari Rosen. "Neurotransmitters and Learning, Memory and Developmental Disorders." Children 's Disability Information. Children 's Disabilities &Special Needs Information. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2010. Monroe, John S. "Having ADD." Telephone interview. 9 Oct. 2010. Princeton University. "Amphetamine Definition." WordnetWeb. Princeton University. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. University of Maryland. "Amphetamines." CESAR (Center for Substance Abuse Research). University of Maryland, 2 May 2005. Web. 27 Nov. 2010.