Kutub Ahmed
34-14 61 St Woodside
NY 11377
As the attorney indicated, Ms. Megha Ramesh Modi is the petitioner and beneficiary of the referenced EB-5 petition. Mr. Ramesh Modi is Megha’s father and Mrs. Anuradha Modi is Megha’s mother. Therefore, please help to issue a revised remittance confirmation letter for Megha Ramesh Modi. Please see the attached remittance confirmation for detailed…
will give him $10,000/year for five years with the first payment at the end of this year, then he…
Have 50,000$ redy 25000$ in 20$ bills 15000$ in 10$ bills and 10000$ in 5$ bills. After 2-4 days will inform you were to deliver the Mony. We warn you for making anyding public or for notify the Polise the child is in gut care. Indication for all letters are singnature and 3 holds .(“The American Experience,”…
Symbolism is one of the major leading and critical part of the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Each character in the novel represents different meanings and ideas. However, the main character who develops into an appealing symbol is Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne. Pearl’s representation changes throughout the novel, but she is continually displayed as a wicked character and is demonstrated as God’s “punishment” for Hester’s guilt, and not only that; she continues to disregard the Puritan laws by relating with the nature and being over-joyful.…
passed judgment on Hester and her sin is laid bare to the reader's opened eye.…
Hester Prynne a victim of adultery and deals with shame. Thinking of Hester’s story reminds me of a story I know, Chris Herrens story. Knowing they both live in a judging world, Chris and Hester know they’re innocent people. Chris a former basketball stud developed and alcohol addiction and drug addiction. He wasn’t a criminal, he lived with a problem that did affect his friends and family. When the world knew about Chris’s problem they were sad and felt ashamed. Hester Commits adultery and the town’s people are mortified. She also isn’t a bad person she just happens to make a mistake. Chris Herren and Hester Prynne both made a great mistake in their lives but it does not make them awful people.…
The author of the Scarlett Letter, Hawthorne, uses many different rhetorical elements throughout the novel. Some example of Hawthorne’s elements are diction, syntax, tone, examples, analogy, and/or contrast.…
In the ancient times of our world, two very powerful empire/dynasties arose. Han china and Imperial Rome came to be two of the biggest empires that the ancient world had ever known. Both areas conquered vast areas of the eastern hemisphere, however their techniques differed. Although Han China and Imperial Rome were similar in that they both had strong militaries, ultimately they are more different because of political structure and economic abilities.…
The Scarlet Letter is a story that characters have to live and deal with the effects of sin in different ways. Of all the characters in the book, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale is the character represented as the most weak. He is a much stronger guy than he is given credit for. The amount of control he has over handling and dealing with burdens is out of this world.…
In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne displays many examples of love and hatred throughout the story. Though Hawthorne shows that love and hatred both have the potential to harm, hatred has a greater tendency to cause pain. This is clearly seen in Hester’s love for Pearl and Chillingworth’s hatred for Dimmesdale.…
Short Response Questions: Respond to the following questions in 100-150 words each. Limit your answers, but do use text support where necessary. You may type on this document, save it as your own, and upload it with answers to Use an appropriate MLA heading in the upper right. Do this by inserting a header. Use MLA parenthetical citation for all quotes.…
Throughout life we all will be faced with hypocrites or have the choice to be true to ourselves or to deceive ourselves. Especially as a Christian you may wonder if people look at you as a hypocrite and should also strive to not be one. Of course, the most important part is to be true to yourself because only then may you be true to God and to others. Nathaniel Hawthorne also shows this in The Scarlet Letter through the characters he portrays. In chapter 20, Hawthorne writes, “No man, for any considerable period, can wear one fact to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.” Hiding the truth from others just confuses life and oneself.…
There comes a point in time when each citizen of the world should ask themselves: Have I ever lied to my parents? Have I ever cheated on a test? Have I ever stolen, coveted, or perhaps committed adultery? All supernatural and religious beliefs and preferences aside. No mortal man can claim to have lived a life free of mistakes. So, no one person can rightfully point their finger in judgement, when he too has fallen short of perfection. In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne contrasts between outward appearance and inner secrets using elaborate symbolism, distinct irony, and theatrical dialogue to develop his argument that hypocrisy is eminent in all societies.…
I earnestly thank Mr. Mehedi Hassan Chowdhury, Senior Relationship Manager, Premium Banking, BRAC Bank, Chittagong Cluster, for acting as a mentor round-the-clock and showing me the right direction whenever I started going off-track. Nevertheless, I must acknowledge the continual support I got from my Internship Supervisor Mr. Sanjoy Bose, Relationship Manager, Premium Banking, BRAC Bank Chittagong region through guiding me during the whole Internship period.…
I would like to first transfer US$12 million into your overseas account as a foreigner because Mr. Snaga was a foreigner then later I will transfer the remaining US$70 million before joining you in person for disbursement and investment opportunity which you will be an asset to it. I am only contacting you because of your foreign status as this money cannot be approved to a local bank here, but can be approved to any foreign account because the money is in a foreign currency (US dollars) and former owner of the account, Mr. Snaga was a foreigner.…