they looked a certain way, or because they complimented a pretty lady. On August 28, 1955 Emmett Louis Till was killed for whistling at a white lady. Also on the night of February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was gunned down by George Zimmerman for wearing a hood while walking down the street. This evidence ties to my topic sentence because many people almost all of them young have died because of the way they look or how they express their personality. This evidence ties to my topic sentence because many people almost all of them young have died because of the way they look or how they express their personality. Sometimes good people die because of what someone else thinks that's why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. A lot of the white males that killed our black people have not been charged for the crime they committed leaving many sad families. On July 13, 2013 the six women jury assigned to the Trayvon Martin case found George Zimmerman not guilty for killing Trayvon Martin based on CNN news. This evidence supports my topic sentence because if you heard about the Trayvon Martin case then you know George Zimmerman killes Trayvon Martin which leaves no reason on why he should not be found guilty. With this being said it seems as if white people are better then black people because if it were a black person who commited a crime like this he would have been put in jail.
The Mayor is not taking the proper steps to fix these problems. Based on Kwame Rose when he visited our school he said he had gotten hot by a car during a protest and the police picked him up and put him in hand cuffs. This shows that the Mayor isn't doing a good job at what she is doing because if police have to become more strict then it shows that the government is no taking the proper steps to fix the problem of police brutality. By having the Mayor position Stephanie Rawlings Blake is trusted to make things like this right for the people in the city she runs. To wrap everything up yes I do believe that we are in a second civil rights movement. I believe this because there is no justice for the people who were killed by the police for no reason. Also because have been organizations formed and protestors protesting for what they believe in. Another reason is because people are being killed because of stereotypes. So in conclusion these are the reasons I believe we are in a second civil rights movement.