We hold these truths to be apparent: that students are expected by the law and society to attend school in order to prepare them for the world and their future careers. That school they are expected to complete the work assigned to them. That the work assigned in school is intended to better the students in their study of that particular subject. But when this work that is intended to be beneficial is so excessive that it is actually detrimental, it is the right and the duty of the students to speak out and declare this flaw in the school system. Such has been the patient sufferance of students afflicted by the homework assigned in AP classes. …show more content…
It has disregarded the fact that I have many other stresses weighing on me and deliberately adds to it tremendously.
It has deprived me of the majority of my free time outside of school.
It has prevented me from completing the entirety of my homework almost every single day, affecting my grades and my overall GPA.
It has forced me to care more about the minimum amount of work I need to complete than the actual subject itself.
It has kept me from completing the tasks I am responsible for at home.
A system that is the cause of all these consequences listed is not a pragmatic system, and therefore the students have a right to demand change for the well-being of their