While in Calcutta, Tridib used to tell the narrator about his experiences. Tridib was his mentor and alter ego. He taught the narrator to use his imagination precisely and accurately. The narrator met Ila, his cousin in Delhi and they became good friends. Here the narrative shows the psycho – sexual growth of Illa and the narrator. In the second part of the novel, the narrator along with other family members is shown visiting Dhaka to visit their ancestral house. The narrator’s grandmother and her sister were excited to visit their house. Their old uncle still lived ther with a Muslim mechanic but he had become senile and …show more content…
In this section, the narrator as chronicler tries to understand the various nuances and meanings political freedom. Nationalism and political freedom acquired different shades of meaningafter Independence and partition. Earlier Indian nationalism was a weapon utilized by the freedom fighters in their struggle against foreignrulers. However, this struggle could not even ensure the territorical integrity of India. Partition was viewed as the price for political freedom from British colonial rule. After partition, nationalism in the Indian context changed its meaning to exclude people on the other side of the border, both in East and West Pakistan. So different viewpoints of Partition, nationalism and political freedom emerge in this section. It may be recalled that in Indian English fiction there are several novels that belong to the genre of the partition