Gorillas and human are said to have separated form the human lineage about 6 to 9 million years ago. Thomas Staughton Savage an American physician and Jefferies Wyamn a naturalist first discovered gorillas in 1847. When researched first started their studies they could notice a lot of similarities between gorillas and humans. The first similarity we will compare between gorilla and humans is the use of …show more content…
Even though there was a split between humans and primates there are still so many similarities that lets us see how far we have come and how far evolutions has took us. Some of the biggest similarities and differences were found when looked in to the tool use, social behavior, territorial, hunting, capacity for language, and comprehension of gorillas. Humans can advance as much as they went but thee will always be away to compare primates and humans. Gorillas maybe the biggest of the primates and strongest but they still have along way to go till they can be known greater then