The Six, a group of friends destined to fight for the healing of the citizens of Ialana, have narrowly escaped the evil ruler Amrafalus and his plans to use their powers for evil. They find themselves in a land where the Trueni (people who have been altered by power crystals and then used as slaves), are eager to accept their knowledge of healing through crystals. They begin their healing, but soon run afoul of the local ruler, who also wants their power used for his own nefarious purposes. Meanwhile, another dark figure …show more content…
I sing her praises for avoiding magic and seeking a deeper explanation for the things that she would have us experience. There are underlying themes throughout her stories of understanding and appreciating the world around us, and of championing social justice. The way things work in her writing shows a picture of understanding the life force of the world, which brings about a greater understanding of people and their need for healing. I also applaud her use of a narrative that alternates between viewpoints, but only because she does it so well. I love seeing things from different perspectives, and this was achieved flawlessly throughout both