Every action has a consequence comes through the story impacting the characters. For example, when the Republican sniper struck his match to light up his cigarette he gives away his position. O’Flaherty writes, “Placing a cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke hurriedly and put out the light. Almost immediately a bullet flattened …show more content…
These craft moves include varying word choice and the stories unique point of view. In the long paragraph, O’Flaherty writes, “ He struck a match inhaled the smoke hurriedly… almost immediately, a bullet flattened itself… took another whiff and put it out… and crawled away” (1). O’Flaherty depicts the varying word choice by making it very descriptive and to explain the sequence of events. O’Flaherty is making this long paragraph very descriptive using the words hurriedly, flattened, whiff, and crawled. These words explain the series of events fluently and expressively. This is not the only craft move that O’Flaherty uses. In the long sentence, O’Flaherty writes, “Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother’s face” (4). O’Flaherty describes the point of view as third person. “The Sniper” is using the point of view from third person so that you can see everything thing that is happening. The point of view is omniscient because the reader knows the Republican Snipers feelings, but the story is not told by him or any of the other characters, but the reader knows everybody's actions. Throughout the story O’Flaherty creates a lesson using varying craft