Title Page. 1
Table Of Contents. 2
Question1. 3
Question2. 9
Question3. 11
Question4. 15
Question5. 19
Question6. 22
References. 26
Q.1. List and explain the sources of recruitment?
Recruiting is the process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for employment. Employers use various techniques to fill vacancies that require specific knowledge, skill and abilities. The demand labour changes and the numbers of people looking for jobs change over time. This change makes recruitment a continuous process, whether to fill vacancies or to beef up the numbers in response to organisational growth.
The environment in which recruitment takes place is known as the labour market. There are not one but several labour markets where recruitment or employment takes place. For sustainable employment and for a good pool from which to recruit, an appropriate recruitment strategy must be put in place. This strategy helps management in deciding where to recruit, who to recruit and what the job requirements will be.
One important thing which this strategy helps management to do is to make the decision of whether to recruit from internal or external sources. The internal sources are readily available to an organization since the organization needs not spend lots of money in prospecting for people.
The internal and external sources of recruitment in an organization are listed below.
|Promotions |Advertisement |
|Transfers |Schools, colleges and Professional institutes |
|Upgrading |Placement agencies/ outsourcing
References: Mathis and Jackson, Human Resource Management (South-Western, Thomson Learning, 2000) 1Paul Elliot, “Assessment Phase: Building Models and Defining Gaps,” in Dana Gains Robinson and James C. Robinson, Moving from Training to Performance (San Francisco: Robert-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1998) 63-98. T. M. Mills, The Sociology of Small Groups (Englewood Ciffs, N. J.:Prentice Hall, 1967) M. E. Shaw, Group Dynamics, 3d ed. (New York:McGraw-Hill,1981) http://www.ehow.com/how_4665361_motivate-employees-ten-steps.html William Thompson & Joseph Hickey, Society in Focus, 2005.,