The Sperm and The Egg Cleveland C. Lawrence, Sr. April 11, 2015 PSY/265 - PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN SEXUALITY Professor Vanessa Young
The Sperm and The Egg 2
The Sperm and The Egg This is the story of Reproduction, which involves many charters. Each of this charters play a vital role in this story of reproduction. Some of the main charters that will be mention, their names have been change, but there are other charters that will be mention by their name, for this story is based on true facts. The main charters are: Spearmen Sperm, Olivia Egg, Dicky Penis, and Katie Vagina. Our story of the reproduction process begins and takes place when a man and women come together known as coitus or sexual intercourse. Now before coitus takes place there is the development of Spearmen Sperm and Olivia Egg. Spearman’s development takes place in the man’s testicle, there are two testicle that are divided into many lobes that are filled with winding seminiferous tubules. Even though the seminiferous tubules are stored in a tiny space, placed end to end they span the length of two football fields. By spermatogenesis these thread like structures produce and store hundreds of billions of sperm over a man’s life time (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2011, Chapter Chapter 4). There are several stages that Spearmen has to go through before he is mature and ready