Rain Forest Rescue • Scientists in Hawaii are attempting to "rescue" endangered species from extinction by promoting reproduction • Reproduction is one phase of an organism's life cycle – Sexual reproduction • Fertilization of sperm and egg produces Offspring – Asexual reproduction
• Offspring are produced by a single parent, without the participation of sperm and egg • Cell division is at the heart of organismal reproduction -CONNECTIONS BETWEEN CELL DIVISION
8.1 Like begets like, more or less • Asexual reproduction – Chromosomes are duplicated and cell divides – Each daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent and the other daughter • Sexual reproduction – Each offspring inherits a unique combination of genes from both parents – Offspring can show great variation
8.2 Cells arise only from preexisting cells • "Every cell from a cell" is at the heart of the perpetuation of life – Can reproduce an entire unicellular organism – Is the basis of sperm and egg formation – Allows for development from a single fertilized egg to an adult organism – Functions in an organism's renewal and Repair
8.3 Prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission • Prokaryotic cells reproduce asexually by a type of cell division called binary fission – Genes are on one circular DNA molecule – The cell replicates its single chromosome – The chromosome copies move apart – The cell elongates – The plasma membrane grows inward, dividing the parent into two daughter cells
8.4 The large, complex chromosomes of eukaryotes duplicate with each cell division • Eukaryotic genes – Many more