Questions for Review
1. An organization is a unit of people or positions that is structured and managed to meet the needs or pursue a goal.
2. The evolution of organizations is divided into three approaches and time periods:
a. Scientific management ( 1900-1940)
i. Frederick W. Taylor
1. Theory of management concerned with the physical efficiency of an individual worker
b. Human relations management (1930-1970)
i. Harvard Business School at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company
1. Worker productivity is more closely related to social capacity than to physical capacity, that noneconomic rewards play a prominent part in motivating and satisfying employees, and that employees do not react to management and its rewards as individuals but as members of groups.
c. Systems management (1965-present)
i. Scientific combined with Human Relations Management
1. Designed to bring the individual and the organization together, it attempted to help managers use employees to reach desired production goal.
3. Span of control – Limits the number of direct subordinates whose work interlocks. It is the number of employees/staff that a manager is expected to supervise. A large span of control may minimize expenses but requires more management skills.
Unity of Command – refers to placing only one superior officer/manager in command of every situation. Therefore, when a critical situation occurs, someone specific is held responsible and in charge.
4. Characteristics of a great leader:
a. Have a vision - communicate your vision or the vision of your company to the people you want to follow you. Paint a picture with words.
b. Be passionate: - To inspire people to take on new challenges
c. Have character – moral and/or ethical quality; honesty
5. Katz’s Three Skills
a. Technical
b. Human
c. Conceptual
6. Communication means