Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy
Semester 2012
The Syrian-Israeli peace negotiations Domestic politics of Israel, the role of the United States and the Balance of Power
Majid Al bunni
International Relations and Diplomacy
A graduation paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of BA International Relations at the Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy, University of Kalamoon.
Spring semester
Supervised By: Dr. Marwan Qabalan
(The Dean of International Relations and Diplomacy Faculty)
My father and mother who made it easy to me all the way……… and to my brother and sister who brightened my life with their existence.
Thanks to: All my professors for their support and understanding and for not saving any chance to make me a better person…….
My colleagues and second family: Amr, Afraa, Alaa, Bassem, Abd, and every one that supported me and stood by me………
My cousin Zouhair that helped me to finish this research………
And my bigger family, life mates:Taher, Sari, Saad, Besher, Louay, Qousai, Yaseen, and every one questioning why his name is not here!.
May I witness the returning of all our lands and to see the Syrian people living in prosperity and
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
(1)Domestic politics of Israel 9 The Israeli system 10 Madrid Conference and the Israeli Decision Making 12 The Israeli public opinion and the future of negotiations 17
(2)The role of United States 23 Madrid Peace conference and the role of U.S
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