The Global Positioning System and Subsystems
Table of Contents
I. Background and Brief Description –
a. Sputnik 1957 (Science that Drove the Technology)
b. Applications of the Technology
II. History of the Technology –
a. Satellites to Soup
b. The Drivers for Demand
III. Political and Legal Influences – a. Government Interventions – b. Jessica Lunsford Act: Lifetime tracking by GPS
IV. Economic Questions and Considerations – a. A private Section industry over 9 billion dollars growing exponentially b. Increasing government budget for GPS in America and Worldwide
V. Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects a. Coping, fear, and desensitization of being watched b. The Affect and Effect of Knowing Your Being Watched
VI. Technology in its cultural connect, media influence –
a. Inability to travel without GPS –
b. Media Outcry Against GPS and the Impact on the Fourth Amendment –
c. Culture and Media Influences
VII. Implications on the Environment –
a. Disengagement from Environment (Human)
b. Effects on Wildlife Terrain and Human Infrastructure
VIII. Moral and ethical implications –Data Collection and Storage of Surveillance Files
APA Outline
Introduction/Thesis: Through the history of Global Positioning System (GPS) Technology, peoples, governments and private agencies have been able to extract information from these devices which can have personal, political, economic and national security ramifications, affecting the human psychic as well as the culture and media, creating environmental challenges that can have lasting moral and ethical implications.
I. Background and Brief Description – II. Since the beginning of time, mankind has been navigating the land by the use of stars, the moon and the sun. The story of the Christ documents how three wise men used a star to locate the Christ. Mankind has used the
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