Chan Sze Nam 5E26
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On 17th March , the Executive Council passed th e plan of Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) to build the third runway.
The whole infrastructure takes 8 years and 1415 billions which is the most expensive infrastructur e since Hong Kong is opened for trade. The third runway is assumed to be opened in 2023
Why the third runway is so controver sial? 1.The financing plan
AAHK separates the bill into 3 parts:
Force the tourist and airline companies to pay airpor t construction free
b) AAHK borrows a loan
c) Government stop collecting dividend from AAHK abo ut 10 years.
Because these actions do not involve of any public f und, so the plan can escape from the monitoring of
Legislative Council
A) paying airport B) AAHK borrows C) Government stop construction free a loan collecting dividend
from AAHK about 10 years
2.The ultra expensive construction bil
•1415 billions is a hugh budget and some people think that it is a waste of money because if resources allocation is done well, quality of life of HK citizens can be improved.
•For example, 1415 billion can build 36.6 public hospital or
1.29 million public housing.
3.The benefit and feasibility is do ubtable. Benefices:
Increase competitive against Shenzhen airp ort and Zhuhai airport .
Maintain the international hub status
Increase the job opportunities (1 million)
To revive tourism from foreign countries.
Prevent marginalization
Concern (1):
The airspace sharing probl ems are not yet actually so lved or discussed.
China government can har dly give HK more airspace as the development of Zhu hai and Shenzhen is fast n ow and they are recently i ncreasing their number of f light. Concern (2): tourism + economy
The tourists are forced to pay $180 airport constructi on fee.
This decrease their