BACKGROUND INFORMATION Buddhism began in the sixth century BC with the birth of Siddharta Gautama the known Buddha in what in now known as Nepal. After living in luxury with his father for some time, he renounced his former life and began to live without any worldly pleasures, but found that to be …show more content…
meanignless and moved to living a life of complete moderation. After reaching enlightenment he taught a wide range of people throughout Asia (Wikipedia April 2007). Buddhism now has spread throughout the world in countries including the United States, Australia, Russia, and some of Europe. (BBC, 2006) Buddhist teachings (Dharma) center around the 4 noble truths and the Eightfold path and the three marks of existence, which are the way to enlightenment. The 4 noble truths are:
All existence is unsatisfactory and filled with suffering.
2. The root of suffering can be defined as a craving or clinging to the wrong things; searching to find stability in a shifting world is the wrong way.
3. It is possible to find an end to suffering.
4. The Noble Eightfold path, which is Right View, Right intention, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right concentration. (BBC, 2006)
These basic teachings and through meditation are the core of Buddhism. Meditation is important for someone to reach an understanding of what is happening within yourself instead of having your thoughts being pulled out into the world around you. In the basic sitting meditation one sits on the floor and concentrates on the movements of the abdomen while breathing. You contemplate on the stomach rising and falling with each breath. During this concentration you try to block all other ideas out of your head and try to concentrate on yourself. The key always is to focus on what is happening to you and not around you. There are more meditations that expand on this one, and more advanced techniques while walking and standing. (BuddhaNET, 2001) …show more content…
OBSERVATION The Fo Guang Shan His Fang Temple in San Diego is a three-story temple with the meditation room on the second story.
The patrons all sit on rows of cushions and you leave your shoes downstairs before climbing. I got there a little early so I was able to take the pictures of the stage. As everyone came in they all sat wherever they wanted and I found that most people came alone. There weren't too many families there, and I only saw one child running around. There were some Caucasian people there but most were Asian. This temple teaches in the western practice of Buddhism, which fits the name "Hsi Fang" which translated means "Western or West Place". I sat in the back and watched as the Dharma teacher explain or "preach" the teachings on the Buddha. They were all put into stories or parables for us to easily understand. The teachings were close to something you might hear at any other church. At least that was how I found it. When the teachings were over we were allowed to meditate and then another short lecture and a final
I didn't know how to meditate except for what I had read, so I asked one of the "helpers" that were there on what I should do. I mentioned that I read on a meditation technique, and she proceeded to help me with that one. She told me to sit down cross-legged and close my eyes. She then told me to concentrate on my stomach growing and shrinking with each breath. She explained further to not focus on the breathing, just the growing and shrinking of the stomach. I couldn't quite keep my mind focused and she told me that was all right. She said just to let everything flow out of me and then concentrate again, to not give up but continue to learn how to control it. It was one of the hardest things to do since my mind always tends to wander in many problems or events that are coming or have already passed. It was extremely frustrating. After quite some time (I wasn't sure since my eyes were closed) I found myself just concentrated on the movements of my stomach. Almost, what I think might be, 2 minutes later we started the second lecture. After that, we were told to try the meditation one more time. I had difficulty again but nowhere near the trouble I had the first time. I think I might have had a good three minutes of meditation before the class concluded. I was happy to know that I tried something completely foreign and didn't do as bad as I thought. She told me that was the most basic meditation and that there are more advanced meditations that involve how to control your thoughts and to focus on each and every thought. I was just happy I could concentrate on my stomach. After the class concluded I was told that this was the English class for beginners, so I shouldn't feel awkward here since there were some people whose class was their second one. I was told that every Saturday they would have a ten-class session for beginners starting in April. We were then led downstairs again where they had some food set up for us to enjoy and chat. I talked to a Chinese man about his experience with Buddhism. He told me he was from San Francisco and had recently moved down here. This was his first time attending this particular temple and was just trying it out. He had been taught Buddhism from his family since he was a child and has always followed the teachings. One of the "helpers" came over and told us there was a library across the street where we could find all the books and information that we needed in case we wanted to learn more about Buddhism. We concluded after about ten minutes I departed the Temple.
COMPARE AND CONTRAST After observing and learning about Buddhism, I noticed several similarities and differences with my own religion of Christianity. Starting with the similarities are the people. Whenever I go to church the people are always friendly and willing to help anyone with the understanding of Christianity. I once brought someone to church who didn't know what to think about religion and the people from my church showed him all he wanted to know about the religion openly. For the people that I met at the Buddhist temple, they all were extremely nice to me and helped me understand more about their religion that I had ever known. I was helped with the meditation and all my questions were answered without prejudice, and were told to me in ways that I could understand easily. The people I talked to were more than happy to share everything they could with the belief they followed. I found that some of the teachings are in many ways similar to the teachings in Christianity, at least the basics. In some ways Christianity tells you to know yourself and be happy with yourself and with what you have and everything will be fine. Some saints gave away their worldly possessions to be closer to God. It is taught in both religions that we tell the truth, do the right things and live as best you can. It just struck me as having the same basic principles in both religions. I am going to use meditation as both a similarity to prayer, and a difference in it as well. First the similarity is how you can do it at home or at temple or anywhere else that you might want (although I wouldn't recommend meditating while you drive). In both you look into your inner self and try to find a connection to something greater that you and to better yourself. I think that is where the similarities end and the differences appear. A Buddhist doesn't worship a God, Gods, or deities. The whole purpose is to find the truth and end the suffering. True is it that Christians also would like to end the suffering throughout the world, but they worship Jesus Christ. That also ties into meditation again because when I pray it is to God, and when Buddhists meditate they are looking for inner enlightenment and don't pray to someone for help or to give thanks. The last difference is the thought of the Middle way. Moderation is nothing that is taught in Christianity. Although it is said if you have more than the average man then give more than the average man. I have always seen Christians amass a fortune and never moderate anything. I do not think that I have ever, until this assignment, hung out with a practicing Buddhist. That being said everyone that I have ever made friends with has being some sort of Christian, so I can't be for certain on how they live their lives at home, but from what I can see at the Temple they don't walk around in flashy clothes or jewelry.
I found this activity to be a very opening experience for me. In my past I have mostly looked on the Internet if I had any questions about any particular thing. I rarely ever think of going to a temple or church of another religion to ask questions. As for this experience, it opened me up to finding answers not in a book but by going to check it out. Buddhist have in my opinion more similarities than differences to Christians than I previously thought. I think I just might incorporate some of their teachings in my daily aspect of life. It didn't however change my view of my own religion. I did very much enjoy this experience.
BuddhaNet Meditation Online:
Retrieved from BuddhaNET website: BBC- Religion and Insight
Retrieved from BBC website: Wikipedia Buddhism
Retrieved from Wikipedia website: