The legislative branch is made up of the house of representatives and senate which make up congress. The house of representatives is made up of 435 elected members chosen from the 50 states according to their total population. It is also made up of 6 non-voting members from other territories of the US. The people of the house of representatives serve a 6 year term but every 2 years ⅓ of them are up for reelection.
The Speaker of The House is elected …show more content…
In the case that the president vetoes the bill Congress can vote on it again, but must have ⅔ majority votes of both the House and Senate to pass it.
The executive branch is run by the president of the United States of America. He is also given the title of Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and is the head of state and the head of the US government. The power of the executive branch is putting into action and enforcing the laws that are written by Congress. The president appoints many of the heads of federal agencies, he hand picks his cabinet, judges, ambassadors, and many other federal offices. The Vice President will be asked to take over if the president is unable to perform his duties and is the 2nd person in line for the presidency.
The president can either pass the law or he can use his power and veto it which means that the law or bill can not go any farther in the process and will immediately be thrown out unless Congress has ⅔ of both houses voting to keep the bill. He also signs and negotiates treaties and can grant presidential pardons for just about any crimes except in the case of impeachment. The president of the United States serves a 4 year term unless he is impeached or passes away in office. He is allowed to serve up to 2 terms, but no more. The only president to serve more than 2 terms is Franklin Delano