
The Treaty Of Versailles Was Responsible For World War I

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The Treaty Of Versailles Was Responsible For World War I
The Versailles Treaty was a treaty that was made to create peace and was signed after WWI. The treaty said that Germany was totally responsible for the war and also blamed for starting it. The war caused a lot of damages and according to The Versailles Treaty, they needed to fix what they ruined. Of course the Germans didn’t agree with this treaty because they said it was unfair and too cruel. There were different punishments that the Germans had to suffer from. The punishments include taking away territories and colonies of Germany, dropping the size of the German army and forcing Germany to pay compensation. I believe to make Germany take the responsibility for World War I was the worst punishment. (German delegation, 1919). Another motive of the treaty was to completely destroy their economy and also to ruin their government power. At this time every country was against …show more content…
He believed that every country involved was 100% in fault of the war. Even though the president didn’t believe that Germany needed to take the full blame, he was overruled by the Treaty of Versailles. If Wilson’s opinion about the world would’ve been accepted there would have been more peace involved and every country would have been blamed for the war. Also, Wilson’s idea would have saved the economy of Germany. Wilson’s principles stated that if each country took equal responsibility, everyone would recover with equal rights and peace. The higher “fundamental laws” that this document says will work to make German assertions stronger were the justices that the laws should take part in. The rights that were involved were right of self-determination and the right of self-preservation. The article shows evidence when stating, “With this fundamental right the demand here made upon Germany is incompatible”. It also states, “To make it possible for all nations to put this privilege into practice was intended to be one achievement of the

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