The trichomoniasis (women) is one of the most common STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) in the world: an estimated 200 million people infected annually. It is a both Gender disease that can be transmitted very easily through sexual act.
CAUSE: It is caused by a protozoan, Trichomonas vaginalis, an organism that usually has a shape pear, with an average size of 7-10 mm., but it can sometimes reach 25 mm. in length, with 4 anterior flagella and a fifth flagellum inserted into an undulating membrane. The parasite attaches to the vaginal walls, it does not penetrate into the tissues, but causes severe alterations of the bacterial flora female, raising the pH and create favourable conditions for the attachment …show more content…
The symptoms most frequently in women are: acute vaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina), leakage (whites) greenish yellow and smelly, causing redness and severe itching, slight vaginal bleeding. Often associated with a urinary involvement: discomfort (dysuria) and burning during urination, frequent urination too (urinary frequency). Sometimes the symptoms are more discreet: burns and light itching, pain during sexual …show more content…
Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may give birth prematurely, having a baby with a low birth weight, transmit the infection to the infant during passage through the birth canal. Having trichomoniasis would make it easier for women to be infected with HIV.
DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis of trichomoniasis is based, for women, of a sample of vaginal secretions under a microscope, In both sexes, trichomoniasis can be diagnosed with the collection of the first urine stream, which is centrifuged and analysed by light microscopy; or the samples are subjected to microbiological culture, but it requires more time for diagnosis.
The treatment is based on the administration of metronidazole, a very active drug on parasites such as Trichomonas vaginalis and some types of bacteria. The drug, not indicated during pregnancy, may cause nausea or leave a metallic aftertaste in the mouth, so it should be taken after eating. During treatment they should not be taken alcohol, which greatly increase the feeling of nausea and / or vomiting, and all sexual partners should follow treatment simultaneously, abstaining from sexual intercourse until the completion of the therapy and the symptoms have