If an AI machine could fool people into believing it is human in conversation, he propositioned, then it would have reached an important landmark. What's more, the Turing Test has been referenced many times in popular-culture portrayals of robots and artificial life – perhaps most notably inspiring the polygraph-like Voight-Kampff in the movie Blade Runner. It was also widely used in Alex Garland’s Ex Machina. An article on BBC explains that more often than not, these fictitious illustrations falsify the Turing Test, turning it into a measure of whether a robot can pass for human. The original Turing Test wasn’t intended for that, but rather, for deciding whether a machine can be considered to think in a manner indistinguishable from a human - and that, even Turing himself perceived, depends on which questions you ask. What’s more, there are many other facets of humanity that the test deserts – and that’s why several researchers have formulated new variations of the Turing Test that aren’t only about the aptitude to hold a possible …show more content…
But there have been other one-off competitions in which parallel outcomes have been attained. Back in 1991, PC Therapist had 51% of judges fooled. However, The Turing Test has been condemned, in particular because the nature of the questioning must be limited in order for a computer to exhibit human-like intelligence. For example, a computer might score high when the questioner communicates the queries so they have "Yes" or "No" answers and convey to a limited field of information, such as mathematical number theory. If response to queries of a broad-based, chatty nature, however, a computer would not be expected to present like a human being. In some particular instances, a computer may execute so much better and faster than a human that the questioner can easily tell which is which. The Google Search Engine, for example, would noticeably outpace a human in a Turing Test based on information searches. Also, some people have proposed that the Turing Test is chauvinistic: it only distinguishes intelligence in things that are able to endure a conversation with us. Why couldn't it be the case that there are intelligent things that are unable to carry on a conversation, or, at any rate, incapable to carry on a conversation with beings like