In 1979, the American embassy in Iran was invaded by Iranian revolutionaries and several Americans were taken hostage. However, six managed to escape to the official residence of the Canadian Ambassador and the CIA was eventually ordered to get them out of the country. With few options, exfiltration expert Tony Mendez devised a daring plan: to create a phony Canadian film project looking to shoot in Iran and smuggle the Americans out as its production crew. With the help of some trusted Hollywood contacts, Mendez created the ruse and proceed to Iran as its associate producer. However, time was running out with the Iranian security forces closing in on the truth while both his charges and the White House had grave doubts about the operation themselves. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (…
-Revolution of 1979: led by 5, an event that transformed legitimacy of the state, by shiism…
4. The Iranian Revolution was a throwback to the fundamentalist revolts of the 19th century as it imposed religious beliefs on the public, such as women had to cover themselves completely when in public. Both movements emphasized religious purification, and religion and politics being one. Both wanted to rid the country of western government influence.…
Muslim militant groups attempt to overrun governments that they think is inefficient; Islamic fundamentalism led to the 1979 overthrow of the Shah of Iran. Islamic militancy is affecting Afghanistan, Algeria, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia…
On the 4th of November 1979, Iranian demonstrators protested through the streets of Tehran. Times in Tehran, like most of the rest of Iran were highly uncertain and turbulent. Amongst the group of demonstrators, were a group of Iranian college students…
Throughout the history of Iran, there have been many forms of resistance, such as the Tobacco Revolt and Black Friday, which have created other types of resistance in modern day Iran.The power of force to silence and eliminate forms of resistance in history has nurtured a movement of forms of protest in modern day Iran. Foremost, in the year of 1891, the Nasir al-Din Shah signed an agreement with the British giving them privilege over the profitable Iranian tobacco industry. Following the agreement, a protest began, led by the muslim clergy, or ulama, and other Iranians who believed that whatever was Iranian belonged to Iran, not foreign nations. All Iranians came together and decided to boycott against the agreement by organizing demonstrations…
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a small Middle Eastern country located on the Persian Gulf bordering several countries including Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, to name but a few. It has a population of approximately 81,000,000 people with an annual growth rate of about 1.2 percent every year. The capital of Iran is Tehran, which is one of the worst polluted cities in the entire world. Contrary to popular belief, the official language of Iran is Persian, not Arabic as some might think. Iran is home to the largest number of Shiite Muslims in the world.…
In Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, one can learn about how it was like to live in Iran during the Revolution of 1979. But before one can fully understand Persepolis, they must understand the condition of Iran in the 20th century. Before the Iranian Revolution, the type of government was a monarchy, but after the Shah was taken out of power, an Islamic republic was set in place. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was the one who started the revolution after he realized how corrupt the government was. The causes for the revolution include the country’s discontent with the Shah’s rule, the exile of Ayatollah Khomeini, and social injustice. The people used demonstrations, strikes, and civil resistance as methods to overthrow the Pahlavi dynasty. The…
How revolutionary actually was the Revolution? It was not very revolutionary, because the American Revolution is defined as the war that Americans fought to have the same rights as Englishmen, but then evolved into a fight for liberty from England so we could become a new separate nation. This paper will mainly focus on the Slavery and Social/Political Changes in the Revolution. First of all the slavery changes not very much, in A Speech Made By A Young African American in 1819, Valedictorian Of His New York Free School states that he is not treated the same because he is African-American, and in Abigail Adams is telling her husband to remember all that women did for us during the war, and yet they won’t get the right to vote until 1920, it states in The United States Constitution Amendment 19 (1920)…
This Islamic revolution started when Iranian citizens were dissatisfied with the rule of Shah Reza Pahlavi. The annoyed people of Iran were irritated with the Shah due to the fact that he lead them with the use of fear, manipulation, and formed a secret police that would report anything and everything back to him. When riots broke out among the streets near the end of the 1970s, the Shah left for a “vacation” and didn’t come back. Before his extended vacation, he left Prime Minister Shahpur Bakhtiar in charge of Iran. The rebellious association, Ayatollah Khomein was denied permission to form a new government by the Prime Minister. After the Islamic revolution, the Ayatollah Khomein gained control of Iran and renamed it the Islamic republic even though we refer to it as Iran.…
A revolution usually starts with a group of people who support a cause. The definition of a revolution is a significant change that usually occurs in a short period of time. The original goal of the revolution was to end the repressive dictatorship of the shah, who was seen corrupt. This lead to revolutionary supporters wanting to hurt the people who helped. This happened in the book “The Septembers of Shiraz”, the book takes place during the iranian revolution and the revolutionary guards were getting a little out of control. For example, “The guard rests the swords glistening tip on Farnazs neck, pressing down slightly. “Find the damn certificate, sister!” He yells in her ear”(Sofer, 255). This exemplifies that the guards were unnecessarily rude, and that the revolution has gotten to the point where the people who have joined the movement have gotten to caught up in it.…
The Coup 53 has just taken place tonight, over a course of a few days. It is the first successful overthrow of the government of Iran, done by the CIA. The U.S. has been apart of this affair, supposedly to stop the nationalization of the oil fields. They kept this their center reason for helping accomplish this, but they say they want to help us Iranians get an Islam centered government. This could be the beginning of the Islamic Revolution! Most of the information is confidential, but some has now been uncovered. The name of this operation is TP-AJAX and it has all the ‘in's-and-out's’ of the CIA’s plans. Some heard that British intelligence had played a part in planning this overthrow. This shows that Washington and London do want a part…
There have been many cases throughout history for why revolutions have occurred. A harsh government, an unfair and favored higher class, debt, agriculture, freedom, and etc. In 1910-1920 the Mexican revolution became the center of attention in what now is El Paso, Texas. Before the revolution since 1876, Porfirio Diaz was the dictator of Mexico. Diaz was the type of ruler who had too much power and abused the power to commit brutal actions. In doing so he generated conditions in which his political opponents soon enough felt over the edge. Due to Diaz’ harsh government, the war was starting to be the start of the revolution. But was it necessary? The Mexican revolution was necessary to change the oppressive government, grievance of the peons…
One of the biggest differences between the two revolutions is why they started (causes). Unlike most revolutions that were caused by financial crisis, peasant rebellion, disgruntled military, or defeat at war. The Iranian revolution had another cause. The Iranian revolution was a cultural, religious revolution, while the French revolution was a liberal bourgeois revolution. The Iranian revolution started because people discontent with the monarchy under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, and the social injustice. And also, the people believed their leader was only a puppet from the US and was contaminating their country. The French revolution was a long and bloody revolution that lasted for 10 roughly years (1789-1799). The French revolution was called…
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