Carr has more have in traditionally obtained information. Socrates, famous greek philosopher who pushed knowledge in the ancient world. Socrates once said “cease to exercise their memory and become forgetful”, “Filled with conceit of wisdom instead of real wisdom”(Carr 326). This quote was made in Socrates time based on the concept of writing, but this still applies to the internet. Socrates is referring how humans will stop trying to solve their own problems and will turn to this all knowing source. Carr uses this reference to how the internet is making people less indepent. An another source also expanded on the changes to the brains. James olds, a professor of neuroscience who directs the Krasnow Institute for advanced study George Mason University. James Olds claims “The brain , has the ability to reprogram itself on the fly, altering the way it functions”(Carr 319). This quote supports Carr’s point that the internet is reprogramming our brains to be skimmers. These points can be said that humans need to be aware on how technology is reprogramming us and changing our function. Awareness is key in order to have the best possible outcome for this current
Carr has more have in traditionally obtained information. Socrates, famous greek philosopher who pushed knowledge in the ancient world. Socrates once said “cease to exercise their memory and become forgetful”, “Filled with conceit of wisdom instead of real wisdom”(Carr 326). This quote was made in Socrates time based on the concept of writing, but this still applies to the internet. Socrates is referring how humans will stop trying to solve their own problems and will turn to this all knowing source. Carr uses this reference to how the internet is making people less indepent. An another source also expanded on the changes to the brains. James olds, a professor of neuroscience who directs the Krasnow Institute for advanced study George Mason University. James Olds claims “The brain , has the ability to reprogram itself on the fly, altering the way it functions”(Carr 319). This quote supports Carr’s point that the internet is reprogramming our brains to be skimmers. These points can be said that humans need to be aware on how technology is reprogramming us and changing our function. Awareness is key in order to have the best possible outcome for this current