Traditional Medicine- Systems of medicine developed before the era of modern medicine, based on cultural beliefs and ancestral practices.
Modern Medicine-Medicine as practiced by holders of M.D (medical doctor).Other terms includes: allopathic medicine; western medicine; mainstream medicine; orthodox medicine; regular medicine and biomedicine. Acupuncture- a medical treatment from China that involves putting sharp thin needles into the body at very specific points.
Naturopathy- a system of medical treatment that treats illness by natural methods such as exercising and controlling the food you eat.
Reflexology- a form of alternative medicine in which the soles of the feet are massaged.
Complementary or Alternative Medicine (CAM) -any range of medical therapies that fall beyond the scope of conventional medicine but may be used alongside it in the treatment of disease.
Reiki- a Japanese healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch to activate the natural healing process.
Integrative medicine-relationship-based care that combines mainstream and complementary therapies to promote health for the whole person in the context of his or her family and community (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008).
1. What are the motivational factors responsible for the use of Traditional Medicine in the district of St. Augustine?
2. Is Traditional Medicine a first choice of health care for St. Augustine residents?
3. What are the uses of the main Traditional Medicine used in St. Augustine?
4. Do residents think that Traditional Medicine compliments their use of modern medicine?
5. What solutions may be implemented to create an integrated approach to health care for the benefit of residents?
The study conducted