The story centers around a girl named Elena Gilbert, a high school girl who is torn tremendously between two brothers, Stefan and Damon Savatar. Elena becomes romantically involved with the younger of the two brothers, Stefan. She soon finds out that Stefan is a vampire. At first she is freaked out, then she begins to accept Stephan for who he is, which is a kind vampire. Elena’s best friend Bonnie is a witch who can miraculously perform witch craft spells in order to mostly protect her friends, and on occasions she has worked with the Savatar brothers to keep the bad vampires away from Mystic Falls. As the seasons continue, a blast from the Savatar brothers past comes back. Kathryn, who is a vampire who is also Elena’s descendant, who also looks exactly like Elena then stirs up trouble as well as tries to kill Elena several times. At the time of Kathryn’s return word gets out that there are now werewolves in Mystic Falls. The story behind that is that on full moons only the werewolves will turn into scary werwolves. When the werewolves turn their bite can be extremely fatal to vampires, meaning their bite will kill a vampire. The vampires and werewolves then fight to get a moonstone that is known to break the curse, but if a vampire breaks the curse they are free to walk around in the sun light but the werewolves will only be able to turn on a full moon. If a werewolf breaks the curse they will be free to turn at any time and the vampires will be doomed to darkness.
The Vampire Diaries Is very similar to the twilight movies. Both contain blood sucking vampires and big werewolves. Both movies involve a human girl who falls in love with a vampire. Both also have two people fighting over the same girl. The differences between the Vampire Diaries and the Twilight Saga is that the vampires in the vampire diaries can’t go out into the bright sunlight or they will burn unless they have a certain ring that allows them to go into the sun