Terrorism became popular in 1996 when Al- Qaeda network was formed by the late Osama Bin Laden. The network was formed by the World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and their Crusaders. They declared war on the West and Israel. Immediately after its formation, there were bombings in U.S embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. Osama then plotted for the 2000 millennium attacks. There was an attempt to bomb Los Angeles International Airport but it was stopped. In October 2000, USS Cole bombing occurred. This was immediately followed by the renowned September 11 2001 terror attack. This marked the genesis of war on terror.
The essay explores on the topic understanding the war on terror by Patrick Coaty. This is done by an elaborate discussion on the measures of preventing terror. An evaluation is also done on how terror can be fought giving facts in each case. The evidences provided are mostly from the reference given. Some of them are also from the current terror fighting activities that are seen in several parts of the globe led by the U.S. The writing is then concluded by a brief summary of the entire discussion as shown below.
Prevention Measures on Terror
The September 11 attack made the world to become alert on terror. U. S government and the world states put several controls in order to escape other attacks. Legislations were passed to deal with terror.