The story takes place in Cenaria City, the capital of Cenaria, which is located in the fictional land of Midcyru. Cenaria City is split into two halves, the Warrens and the East Side. The Warrens are full of cheap prostitutes, brothels, orphans, beggars, muggers, and slums. The East Side, though still infested with crime, is where the richer middle and upper class live. Cenaria is ruled in a Monarchy, with a single king ruling the land and power passing on to the next heir. However, the Sa'Kage hold all the real power in the land. The Sa'Kage (Lords of the Shadows), is a mob-like organization that participates in extortion, prostitution, and assassination.
To the north of Cenaria is another land called Khalidor. Khalidor is a powerful empire ruled by the tyrannical Godking. The Godking seeks to use the might of Khalidor to rule all the nations, and the Khalidorian army is merciless in its pursuits.
Plot summary
Azoth is an orphan who lives in the Warrens of Cenaria City. He and his two friends, Jarl and Doll Girl, are members of the Black Dragon guild. They make their living stealing money to buy food and pay their guild dues to Rat, the Guild Fist, an enforcer who beats anyone who doesn't pay. One night while Azoth is underneath a local tavern scrounging for coins he overhears a confrontation between Durzo Blint, the best wetboy in the city, and several unknown assailants. After Durzo slaughters the assassins, he catches the escaping Azoth and tells him to not lose a word about that to anyone.
One day Rat asks Azoth to be one of his "pretty boys". Azoth's rejection humiliates and angers Rat. Later that day Jarl shows Azoth a secret stash of coins that he has been saving for four years, which he gives Azoth so that he can apprentice to Durzo Blint.
Blint is ambushed by the Black Dragon after fulfilling one of his contracts, but makes his way out by incapacitating Ja'laliel, the guild