חומר הלימוד למטלה:
חוברת עבודה-Part 1
(בקורס המתוקשב : לומדה –Part 1 )
ניתן להיעזר בטיפים שנמצאים באתר ליד הממ"ן http://telem.openu.ac.il/courses/2013a/c61133/ The World Historical Transformation of Marriage
Eye-catching features
1. Check (() the eye-catching features that appear in this text. source of the text date of publication
( title
( subtitle or information under the title author’s name biographical information about the author
( section headings which divide the text into different topics
( bold or italicized letters enlarged quotes tables/ graphs/ charts/ maps/ pictures captions bibliography/ references/ further reading (2 points)
Skimming and Scanning
Skim the text by reading the first and last paragraphs. Then answer questions 2 and 3.
2. Based on the eye-catching features and on your skimming: a. what is the author's perspective on the topic of marriage? Check (() one: ( religious (( historical ( economic
Support your choice with the following: A quote from the eye-catching features: " As a historian, I am always explaining to people that many things that seem new in family life are actually quite traditional".
A quote from the first or last paragraph:" In the current historical context, the appropriate question for researchers and family counselors is not what single family form or marriage arrangement we would prefer in the abstract, but how we can help people in a wide array of different committed relationships to minimize their shortcomings and maximize their solidarities". (3 points)
3. The title of the text mentions the "transformation of marriage". a. Which paragraph tells us how the institution of marriage has been transformed? Check (() one: (( first paragraph ( last paragraph
b. What has changed about marriage? __ There are two providers