Student I.D: 812002618
Course: Elements Of Drama (Lit 1201)
Sleeping Beauty and the Trini Prince was written and directed by Crazy Catholic and features an ensemble cast that includes the Crazy Contagious Crew, the Comedy Circus, members of Eclectic Dance Crew, Dese Simon, Sensational Shelly, Cheldon Midget, Prince Priceless, Shelci Marie, Nola Leacock, Clyne Rodriguez and Nicole Wong Chong and others.
This theatre production was spectacular; not only was it appropriate for all ages it also brought humor and evoked feelings into the audience which made it very outstanding. What stood out to me is how they brought the humor into the play the various techniques they used weather it was through dance, song or their actions.
There are various elements to the play that added to it being great such as the music, the language, the lighting, the characters performance, the simplicity of the set and the costuming.
However like any other play this play had it faults, some of the faults in this play were the sound effects which were poorly done, certain characters did not give off a good stage performance, and also the title being Sleeping Beauty and the Trini Prince it didn’t stick to the title the play focused on the other characters rather that who is stated in the title of the play. The production took place in a small Proscenium theater, which was suitable for the production. The play took place outside the castle, the set provided brought the play to life as there was a castle shape set serving as the backdrop of the stage, also there were plants around the stage and off the stage to give the illusion of a forest the set for the play was simple yet effective.
The characters made good use of the stage and the props provided for them. Their actions and movement brought the set and character to life. Every