Once there was a young man in a far away land. In a small town by the name of Vacaville, the town was small that you could leave your door open at night or take a walk at 3 o clock in the morning. This young man by the name of _________ loved to read books so many that he never puts down his books when he gets home. But in this small town bookstores were starting to close down rapidly. Being taken over by the evil Kindle makers. All the men and women in Vacaville were just merely players to the cunning Kindle. Only _______ the one with as many books as JK Rowling herself, with his power to bring characters out of his books that he has fully completed could see threw the disasters Kindle, and his manipulating mind-controlling that an even get dogs and cats to read form the Kindle.
The main creator of the Kindle was famous in________ town for saving everybody from going to the dreaded bookstore and having to read from paper. The almighty ruler Doctor Snareboss who controls mankind with the snap of his mangled hand that touches the treacherous Kindle. Doctor Snareboss story is when he was a kid he loved to read books until one fateful day he was reading he flipped a page in his book giving him a paper cut. Little did he no that dark cold night a spider on his ceiling came trickling down on its web as quite as could be on his paper cut. With on quick SNAP!! Of its miniscule jaws it sucked the blood from the cut making the hand swell up. That morning Snareboss woke up with his limb purple and black. Not knowing what happened. He’s scream was heard throughout the town with a so loud that even cockroaches were terrified of what happened. From that day Snareboss had a deformed appendage, which made it very difficult for him to read from books because he basically had on upper limb. From that cruel day on he devoted and his blood, sweat, tears to making some machine that can help him read easer. So from that day forward he couldn’t read