Romeo and Juliet was about two families that hated each other, they’ve had a rivalry and been fighting many years now. Juliet from the Capulet side and Romeo from the Montague side. These two lovers acted on emotion and put their love and happiness before the…
In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, marriage customs are very strict with high expectations. In the time period of Romeo and Juliet, people had numerous dating styles leading to marriage, they married for different reasons, and had various wedding planning events.…
Romeo and Juliet is a story about two lovers who come from families that hate each other. Romeo, a son to the Montague family and Juliet, a daughter to the Capulet family and they both meet at a party and fall in love. A few days after the party they get married, but they know their families would never approve because their families have been feuding for many years. After,…
“These violent delights have violent ends,/ And their triumph die, like fire and powder./ Which as they kiss consume”(II, ⅵ, 9-11). “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare is a romantic love story about two people from families that have a long time hatred for eachother. The main Characters are Romeo from the Montague family and Juliet from the Capulet family. Their first encounter was at a masquerade ball and they instantly fell in love at first sight. They quickly got married, then soon after, their relationship started to go downhill after some unfortunate events, which ultimately led to the death of both Romeo and Juliet. There were many factors that caused the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet including Friar Lawrence, Romeo, and Romeo and…
The story of Romeo and Juliet is a romantic story of one broken hearted boy and a girl who is trying to find the right person to marry.The young man Romeo goes to the party of his family's enemy and find the young women juliet.Both Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight but what the don't know is that the are each other's families enemies…
The story of Romeo and Juliet has been going on and repeated since Shakespeare’s time. But it’s really known because of the conflict between the two families. If there wasn’t any conflict it would just be another story about love. Conflict is the secret ingredient to a drama story, that’s what makes it a drama. The conflict between these two families creates tension and what we call “forbidden love”, the two lovers want to be with each other so bad they will die rather than to be with someone else. But their families disagree, which makes the whole story dramatic.…
Context has been a major faction contributing to the way Romeo and Juliet was written. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Baz Luhrmann produced a Romeo and Juliet with a modern context rather than an Elizabethan context. Context has influenced the language and representation of ideas throughout Romeo and Juliet, notably with the themes: Loyalty Vs. Disloyalty, Power and inequality. These themes have changed the way Romeo and Juliet was written and put them into a different context.…
Everything from The Cold War to melodramatic teenagers relates to Romeo and Juliet, because people don’t usually see this kind of drama in their everyday lives; they need something to feed it them. Everyone is bored with their day-to-day activities and interactions so popular stories like Romeo and Juliet are still relevant to give them something to imagine, desire and complain about. Ordinary people don’t change, so they have the same mindset they had when Romeo and Juliet was first popular.…
The events that transpired in Romeo and Juliet was severe to say the least. But the death of Romeo and Juliet by their own decisions in secret. These lies led to their downfall and caused them to die at no caust. These actions are what led to their death's. Not speaking to each other, Juliet taking a potion, and Romeo drinking poison. These are the result of no trust.…
Romeo and Juliet are two people who fall in love but not knowing that they are each from different families that are enemies .Romeo and Juliet find out the truth but it doesn't stop them seeing each other and getting married ; however it all falls apart when Romeo and Juliet die due to Friar Lawrence's plan back firing. There are many people to blame for Romeo and Juliet's deaths such as the Nurse, in many ways a surrogate mother to her, turned against her at a very important time.…
Romeo and Paris the two men in the story of Romeo and Juliet who both very much love Juliet, Romeo and Paris both have many similarities and differences. They are both fighting against each other for the same thing the love for Juliet. They go through an unforceful journey to fight for their future love. They go through many ups and downs including marriage while on their journey. While on their adventure they also had to deal with each other which caused many of fights that also included revenge…
Romeo and Paris are very similar, yet also very different. Because of the similarities and differences, they cause much strife and conflict in the story and with their actions regarding Juliet. The way they treat Juliet and how they view love is very contrasting; However, they also both share feelings of loyalty and a passionate love for her. Throughout the play, these are important aspects that are largely emphasized and greatly impact the outcome. There are many ways Romeo and Paris differ.…
In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, the type of love that the two main characters share for each other plays a big part in their horrible tragedy. Although Shakespeare portrays the two youths as experiencing strong first love attraction for each other, Romeo’s passion and love prevails as the more sincere of these two star-crossed lovers. Throughout the story, Juliet falls in love with Romeo because of what she observed in his actions and words, while Romeo loves Juliet solely because of her beauty. Romeo is the one responsible for naively rushing the relationship with thoughtless haste, thus creating an untimely end.…
Throughout Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows many examples of the main theme, forbidden love. In this story two feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets, each have a child who falls in love with the other. The young Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague meet and fall in love at first sight. They know they cannot be together because of their names, and that is how the main theme, forbidden love, comes about.…
Someone once said, "All literature shows us the power of emotion. It is emotion, not reason that motivates characters in literature." This means that all literature is an expression of emotion and it is the emotion that is the main character, and often the setting and theme as well. It is not the reasoning within the story that draws you in, but rather how the story deals with the emotions we all have felt. It provides us with a possible scenario of the impact of focusing only on emotion and losing focus on reason. The power of emotion driving literary characters to see their emotions through, make us wish we could feel so strongly about something or someone and the way we would all like to think we would see our emotions through. Atticus Finch, from the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, and Romeo Montague from Shakespeare's drama, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, both are driven only by their emotions. Both are so driven to see their powerful emotions, no matter what might happen to them, that their emotion and the opposite emotions of everyone else around them becomes the main character, setting and theme in these stories. You are drawn in to the emotion by asking would I have the courage to stand up to my home town full of racism to seek justice for a black person as Atticus did in To Kill A Mockingbird? Could I be so in love, as Romeo was, that I would be willing to give up everything I had, my family, my position in society, even my own life, for the love of another person?…