The author says, “The thing he had on his mind happened during what must have been the most eventful week of his life. He was to be married on Friday afternoon. On Friday of the week before he got a telegram announcing his appointment to a government position.“ This piece of evidence explains his happiness and what kind of mental state he is in right now. Then the character shows powerlessness, because he can no longer have power over himself, because he loves someone else and his no longer happy. In the text the author says, “I could not understand myself," he declared, in telling me the story. "At night, when the city was quiet and when I should have been asleep, I thought about her all the time. After two or three days of that sort of thing the consciousness of her got into my daytime thoughts.” This detail represents powerlessness, because the character's mindset changes from the beginning of the story until now, because of a woman. In the quote he says he cannot understand himself which dictates the symbol of powerlessness, because he is no longer is his normal …show more content…
E Cummings the narrator is talking about his wife or his lover that he loved dearly. In this poem his darling has died and he carries her spirits with him wherever he goes. In lines 1-2 the author says I carry your heart I am never without you." This makes me assume that the wife or husband has died and the narrator carries their presence with them. I say the lover is dead, because who carries someone who is already living on the planet with them. This just does not make any sense unless that person is like a stalker or just cannot be separated from their