To begin with, Windrider had a dream which he believed that he would achieve. Windrider loved the art of flying. His dream was to soar through the sky with a flying machine. One day, he told the Company about his first day in San Francisco. …show more content…
Everyone believed it was untrue except his own son, Moon Shadow who truly believed in Windrider’s dream even though he had very little proof.
“The only proof I had was the sore back and ribs the next day (pg.60),” he said. This proves that many people thought he was just dreaming. Even though people disrespected him, he never gave up and achieved his dream with the help of his son. This is one reason why the theme should be about this topic. Next, Moonshadow believes in Windrider’s dream and also believes that flying is possible. He encourages Windrider to make the flying machine and soar throughout the sky. He makes Windrider’s dream a more simplified version by stating that flying is possible. “I believe you were there, Father.” I touched his arm shyly. “Something as beautiful as that has to be true (pg.60).” This proves that Moonshadow has a deep trust to his father. Lastly, Windrider wanted to sail back to the Middle Kingdom to bring back Mother. In the book, Uncle mentions that Windrider wanted to bring his wife to the demon land. “You're crazy. First you wanted to bring your wife over and your boy to this place to live and now you want to fly like a bird. Next thing I know
you’ll be collecting twigs for a nest (pg.82).” What Uncle means is to do one process at a time. He thinks that Windrider is trying to accomplish his dreams in one move. The demon principle is that you have to be a partner in the store to bring your wife over. Uncle also thinks it's safe to bring Mother over when Windrider is a real partner in the store because he’s afraid that later the demons might find out and Mother may need to go back to the Middle Kingdom. This proves that they are discussing about plans to bring back Mother.
Overall, I think that there should be a new theme for this story because the theme of the story is not really related to the point of the story. It doesn’t really fit with the story's main idea. It should be named “Dreams, Hopes and Plans” because the story talks about all three points: a dream that the work together to achieve, it talked about the hopes of creating an flying machine and it talks about plans such as bringing Mother to the demon land, or debating about the idea.