The second voice that was silence was Mary Warrant the oldest
The second voice that was silence was Mary Warrant the oldest
At the beginning of chapter 5, Jo is in her exercise clothes, and Meg can not believe that Jo decides to go out on such a cold, wet day. Jo heads over to her neighbor’s house, the Laurences. Ever since the New Year’s Party, Jo has wanted to talk with Laurie. To get his attention, she throws a snowball at his window. Laurie pokes his head out and explains that he is very sick and very bored, so he can not go outside.…
In this film a group of girls go dancing in the woods with a black slave named Tituba. They see that they have been caught by the local minister and one of the girls falls into a coma. The girl is rushed to the village and puts everyone at worry. Parris tries to calm everyone down they gathered were the girl was kept. Abigail the main girl from the clique talks the girls into admitting they were just dancing in the forest nothing else. John Proctor, a local farmer, hears about what went on in the forest. He also was working for John and his wife Elizabeth, but after she found out Abigail and her own husband were having an affair she quickly fired her from that job. In the movie you can tell that Abigail still wants to be with John but john refuses to commit another foolish act. One day Betty wakes up from her coma and begins screaming. Everyone rushes in and wonders if she was bewitched. Since her parents died and left her, they left her money and land deeds obviously they were going to say that she had been bewitched to get rid of her so that they can take her property. Reverend hale begins growing suspicious of the whole situation and speaks to tituba. Tituba then confesses to communing with the devil, and say that she has seen the devil conspiring with other townspeople. Betty joins them and starts naming witches. Elizabeth knowing all of the killings were not true, she tells her husband to denounce Abigail as a fraud. When her husband refuses to do so Elizabeth becomes very angry and jealous and accuses his of still having feelings for her. Soon Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft and is arrested and taking to court. Elizabeth encourages John to take matters to justice and accuse Abigail and the girls of fraud. Elizabeth is pregnant and is insisted to the court system to…
Why was it necessary? This was not the usual route, but scripture says it was necessary to go thru Samaria. Jesus could have easily chosen to take the most traveled path around the darkness and have a comfortable journey to Galilee.…
Throughout the course of the play, the feelings and the firm beliefs about the suspicion of witchcraft in Salem which we see with the Reverend Hale in Act 1 begin to disintegrate as the play develops through to Act 2 where he meets with the Proctors and then further to the storming out of his own court at the end of Act 3. Through stage directions we can acquire a further insight into Hale’s feelings and emotions at key moments as they tell us certain gestures which he makes which we can then connote to feelings such as confusion or realization such as when Proctor opens his eyes in their encounter in Act 2 about the cause of the confessions of the Witches.…
The play “The Crucible” was published in 1953 by Arthur Miller and takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 during the Salem witch trials.…
During the act, Hale begins to realize some hypocrisy and corruption on the court’s part. It can be observed throughout this act that Hale is actively trying to suggest that those accused of witchcraft have a chance to defend themselves, yet is cut off by the likes of Reverend Parris, Salem’s local minister, at one point. Hale goes as far as to make an argument to the judge, Danforth, that “it does not follow that everyone accused is part of it,” “it” being witchcraft. Danforth proceeds to shoot down Hale’s arguments with arguments of his own telling him “No uncorrupted man may fear this court.” Time and time again, Hale attempts to suggest that those accused have a chance to defend themselves yet has his suggestions shot down by Judge Danforth. As John Proctor is falsely accused and taken to jail near the end of the Act, Hale “denounces the proceedings” and quits the court. It is clear that he doubted Abigail William’s testimony as shown in his outcries and even explicitly stating that “This girl has always struck me false!” in reference to Abigail. It is shown in him quitting the court that he longer believes those convicted, and accused, are…
Have you ever wanted revenge on someone that has wronged you in the past? Sometimes we find deceitful ways to get revenge on these people. In The Crucible revenge is a common circumstance in the lives of the characters that contributed to the catastrophe.…
Notably, Hale does not quite yet see what is to come from the foundation he has laid in helping to create a situation which hands power over to the girls. When the tables are turned and their word is given acceptance over that of those who would normally be believed. Reverend Hale demonstrates that he is passionate in his desire to destroy witchcraft by consciously manipulating the situation in Salem to bring the results he wanted to see. Reverend Hale considers himself sent directly from the Lord and a literal messenger from him. Hale questions himself for being responsible for so many deaths therefore he is starting to feel bothered by his conscience and not agreeing with everyone about the existence of the witches. He realizes the serious consequences of signing a paper that would allow people to be executed. Hale starts to question the sincerity of the accusations because John Proctor confesses his relationship with Abigail. Proctor is trying to save his marriage with Elizabeth at all…
The Crucible may be old but it can still relate to our society today. The themes of love, rejection, and guilt are a common theme between The Crucible and society today.…
Mass hysteria can exist when a number of people behave in an uncontrollable, unmanageable way because of fear and/or anger. Arthur Miller easily shows this in the play The Crucible which takes place in the late 1600’s in Salem, Massachusetts when more than one-hundred people were getting accused of being witches. United State Senator Joseph McCarthy had done something similar to this when he had accused many people of being “Reds” or communists during the Red Scare going throughout the United States.Human nature prompts mass hysteria \because people with good reputations start it and it’s more likely for people to believe them and also mass hysteria occurs when people want to get back at someone for something they want. Media might bring people…
If you don't believe in witch hunts, that's fine. But the idea of them is very real. The Crucible is a story that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. This small community is full of superstition and the towns people let their beliefs destroy friendships, and lives. Arthur Miller uses many repeating themes in the play The Crucible. There are many good, and bad themes that come up throughout the play. Some of the common themes of this story are lust, fear, and courage.…
Hale’s conversations with John Proctor cause Hale to start to question his precious beliefs. In Act II, Hale is traveling around the town, going house-to-house searching for accused women to warn them that their names have been mentioned in the court. Hale soon finds himself standing at the Proctor home. During his conversation with Proctor, Hale sees a different perspective on the entire situation:…
Arthur Miller is a great author that uses many forms of syntax, figurative language, and diction to enhance his writing throughout The Crucible. Miller uses figurative language throughout The Crucible, to put emphasis on certain ideas and things. Miller also uses diction in The Crucible to show that the story is taking place in the past and to give the story a more biblical feel to it. One other thing that Arthur Miller does really well is his use of syntax. He uses syntax throughout The Crucible to show the intelligence levels of different characters. Miller uses these three different things in combination throughout The Crucible to enhance the story and to tell the story of the witch craft trials in an insightful way.…
When you’re scared, sometimes it’s hard to go with your gut feeling, right? It may be hard to stick up for yourself, or stand up for what is right. This is the feeling most of The Crucible characters probably felt. Reverend Parris, Abigail Williams, and John Proctor are good examples of how fear and hysteria can destroy good judgment.…
“The Wandering” by Maureen Hayes and “The Leaving” by Budge Wilson are two stories that took place in major cities in Canada in the late 1900s. Both stories showed love and caring traits between the daughter and the mother, and they demonstrated their traits through their actions when under external and internal conflicts.…