In "The Story of Keesh," Jack London evokes the theme through Keesh's actions. In order to restore equality in the distribution of food, Keesh stands up to the council members and when they underestimated him, he decided to hunt by himself. This shows us that in order to survive, Keesh took responsibility and left to hunt by himself. Similarly, Nadia Agular evokes the theme of survival, but, through the characters' reactions regarding the situation. At first, Maya was hopeless. However, as the story progressed, she became more determined to find her parents. According to the text, on page 112, in paragraph 26, the text states, "If it were us who'd gotten swept overboard, would they just sit here?" she asked. "No - they'd do something to find us," she answered triumphantly. "So set going." This shows us that Maya becomes more determined to find her parents instead of waiting for something to happen. Hence, both authors evoke the theme through the
In "The Story of Keesh," Jack London evokes the theme through Keesh's actions. In order to restore equality in the distribution of food, Keesh stands up to the council members and when they underestimated him, he decided to hunt by himself. This shows us that in order to survive, Keesh took responsibility and left to hunt by himself. Similarly, Nadia Agular evokes the theme of survival, but, through the characters' reactions regarding the situation. At first, Maya was hopeless. However, as the story progressed, she became more determined to find her parents. According to the text, on page 112, in paragraph 26, the text states, "If it were us who'd gotten swept overboard, would they just sit here?" she asked. "No - they'd do something to find us," she answered triumphantly. "So set going." This shows us that Maya becomes more determined to find her parents instead of waiting for something to happen. Hence, both authors evoke the theme through the