Article 14, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines states that I is the study of the state to provide adult citizens, disabled, out-of-school youth with training in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills. With this provision, the Philippine government is expected to take responsibility for these growing numbers of individuals known as the mentally subnormal. This provision of the law, too which the Department of Education Culture and Sports (now called DepEd) has full responsibility may somehow support the provision of Article 15, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution that children have the right for assistance, including proper care and nutrition and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
Though not all mentally subnormal individuals are children belonging to the international standard age bracket o 1 to 18 years old, they may still somehow be compared to young ones based on their mental capacity, that is why it is not surprising to find a 37year old man or woman be present as a student within an elementary grade classroom structure due to mental deficiency.
The Mentally Retarded are those students having special learning needs in areas requiring functional use o intelligence and adaptive behavior. About 0to 96 percent of the school age population is classified on this category. Specific Learning Disabilities are those having special learning needs in areas that require functional use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning and arithmetic skills. This is the largest category in special education, with about 3.9 percent of the school age population. Half of all students with disabilities are considered learning disabled.
Mental Retardation is commonly observed to be both chromosomal and development disorder. This individuals fall within this concept are otherwise known as mentally