Non Governmental Organisations and International Non Governmental Organisations
(Support base, Funding pattern and Relation with State)
It would serve well to remember at the outset what is now a well-known and widely accepted fact of social reality that, the rise of the phenomenon of development including sustainable development has brought about integration, synthesis and unity of all social sciences into a single Social Science (Seymour Martin Lipset, 1972, p.xiii-xiv).
Development is also people-centered and citizen participation oriented. The institutions and structures through which people’s participation can flow into development activities can be many and varied, formal and informal, official and non-official. (Noorjahan Bawa, 1997, p-03)
Though the state still continues to be the prime political unit through which the aspiration of the people of a particular territory are realized yet in modern times there is a growing desire to understand the people of other countries and co-operate with them. The technological developments have been an important factor in bringing the people together. As a result no state, however powerful, can act in isolation. To cope with this anachronistic situation statesmen have devised institution through which effective international cooperation can be ensured. These institutions were evolved through a long and continuous process, which is still on. These international institutions provide the basis for durable world order and serve as a check against war, economic chaos and social upheaval. (Quincy Wright, 1998 p-199)
According to Jacob and Atherton, international organisations are in reality “associations of sovereign states. They have Governmental functions to perform, but they do not have the powers normally assumed by governments”. Professor Potter feels that the term international organization can be best used for “the aggregate of procedure and organs for expressing the unification
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