Introduction ……………………………………………………..1
Differential association theory………………..………………….2
Anomie theory……………………………………………………5
References ………………………………………………………..13
The crime rate is on the rise in Kenya some theories try to define these rising criminality in Kenya. Anomie theory and differential association theory best explain the rising criminality in Kenya like for example in Kenya many individuals are law abiding citizens this is according to Edwin Sutherland differential association theory. His theory gives priority to the power of social influences and learning experiences. Anomie theory refers to a situation in which cultural norms break down because of rapid change this is according to Durkheim. These 2 theories best explain the rising criminality in Kenya which has normally been due to common thinking that the rising criminality is mostly due to the wealth of the person while there are crimes committed by white collar including fraud and money laundering which are done by the higher in the society, for example people who live in Kibera are the same in likeliness to commit crime as the people who live in Muthaiga.
Differential Association Theory by Edwin Sutherland Edwin Sutherland set out to develop a theory which would have the same characteristics as other scientific theories, namely, that "the conditions which are said to cause crime should be present when crime is present, and they should be absent when crime is absent." Sutherland recognized that while some types of crime are more prevalent in minority communities, many individuals in those communities are law-abiding. Similarly, among the powerful and privileged, some are lawbreakers; some are not. His theory is intended to discriminate at the individual level between those who become lawbreakers and those who do not, whatever their race, class, or ethnic background for example
References: 2. Siegel L. (2000) criminology 7 edition Massachusetts wads worth Thomson learning 3. Sellers C.S., Akers R.L(2009) criminological theories 5 edition New York Oxford university press 4. Paranjape N.V. (2005) criminology 12 edition Delhi central law publications 5. Kornblum W., Williams T