The theory of person centred counselling is a humanistic approach, founded by Carl Rogers, at the centre of which is the speaker.
Rogers believes that the listener knows and is the best expert of himself and is fully capable of dealing with the issues, problems, difficulties life brings. People have vast resources within themselves for development. The listener enables the speaker to become more self-aware and enables them to discover and see their potentials which will empower them to bring about a change. I am doing this by creating the right environment or climate by using skills, qualities and core conditions that provides the ethical and attitudinal framework in a helping relationship/the counselling approach …show more content…
During the triads I try to established rapport, to be present with the speaker while using active listening, reflection, paraphrasing. I also use silence to allow the speaker his thoughts, to process and actualize his sense of spiritual connection and personal experiences and expectations.
UPR: Rogers suggests that the counselling relationship provides a safe respectful environment in which the client feels comfortable and accepted enough to express their feelings knowing that the counsellor will not judge them, but will listen and support them. Person-centred counselling is such a great grounding for doing no harm, as it is based in Rogers’s core conditions.
I feel it’s important to convey empathy towards the speaker, which mustn’t be mistaken for sympathy. Empathy as terminology was first used in 1909 by Titchener as an “instinctive tendency we have to feel ourselves into the things we perceive or imagine” (Gantt, 2005, p. 1). It is also described in different phrases/idioms in the everyday life such as walking in another's shoes, seeing through the other’s eyes, putting yourself in somebody’s place …show more content…
It means entering the private, perceptual world of the other and becoming thoroughly at home in it. It involves being sensitive, moment to moment, to the changing felt meanings which flow in the other person, to the fear or rage or tenderness or confusion or whatever, that he/she is experiencing. It means temporarily living his/her life, moving about in it delicately without making judgments, sensing meanings of which he/she is scarcely aware, but not trying to uncover feelings of which the person is totally unaware, since this would be too threatening (Rogers, 1980, p. 142).
This means that through my imagination I am feeling or sharing the emotional state of the speaker. It’s important that I understand the speaker’s feelings from his frame of reference, my responses reflect back the content and the mood of the speaker and my tone of voice conveys the ability to share the client's feelings –thus conveying empathy, which demonstrates rather a process than specific responding skills (Mearns and Thorne,