1. The Six Conditions
In a paper published in 1957 (reference Univeristy of Chicago) Carl Rodgers spoke about what he called “The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change”.
Relational depth page 43mearns and cooper
He came to the conclusion after many years working in psychotherapy that if the six conditions stated in the paper were carried out and followed that “personality change” would occur.
The first two conditions state that at the onset two people must be in psychological contact, and as part of this contact one of the people involved “the client” would present themself as being axious and appearing to be in a vulnerable state, which would be termed as being “ncongruent”. As noted by (Meanrs and Thorne, …show more content…
So what is “psychological contact” and how do we know as a therapist that it has taken place? Contact can be described as two people meeting on the same level, showing responses and being aware of the presence of another in the conselling/support realtionship.
Signs that is has taken place may be minimal eye-contact, senseing that the client understands the counsellor and more important understanding that they will be held and heard in the relationship
In his 1957 paper Rogers did not go into any great detail regarding “psychological contact” and the word “psychological” was omitted from a further follow-up paper in 1959 (reference 1959 paper). However, in my assessment there was an assumption that if contact was made and the core conditions followed that the process of “self-actualiszation” would begin at least at a minimal …show more content…
87) find the reference.
Of course in the counselling/client realtionship pschological contact should never be taken as a given (that Rogers may have assumedat the time), there will be blocks and challenges. With concerns around how do we as counsellors cope with clients who presented with alcohol or drug problems, clients with severe mental health issues, or clients who struggle to communicate?
However, as Rose Camerson has eluded to, for me if the counsellor brings his/her true self to the realtionship, and allows that realtionship to have unknown depths then this can help provide the conditions for self-acceptance and start the process of therapeutic change
Mention how we as humans need social contact, we are in effectg social